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Business Modelling

Delivering advanced business modelling and analysis to achieve a greater understanding of where opportunities exist for increased performance.

You may want to review and evaluate your strategic and financial objectives on new initiatives, restructures or operations by utilising financial models to facilitate your decision making process.


We can help you make informed decisions by increasing your understanding and insights with our advanced business modelling expertise and how different drivers, phasings and scenarios impact profitability, cash flow, balance sheet, operations and valuations. These can can be delivered through Microsoft Power BI


Rundas facilitate in allowing you to make informed decisions with reduced risks by utilising our business modelling services to achieve a detailed understanding of the subject matter being modelled by following best practice techniques with advance technical skills in building your model.


Our business models are developed as applications to be user friendly and distributed as required to other users.

Contact us to discuss your business modelling requirements and goals and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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Business Modelling & Operating Model BI Data Analytics Reporting
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